ORTIi Project Purpose 

The purpose of ORTIi is to provide technical assistance to Oregon school districts implementing Response to Intervention (RTI) systems that provide targeted, effective instruction to meet the needs of all students and provide the framework to identify students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD). The focus of the project is on literacy, early intervention, and the use of evidenced-based practices.

Information Session

For a broad overview of the project, refer to the Information Session we hosted on February 7th, 2023. This session highlighted the purpose and outcomes of the project, as well as outlined our new tiered model of support for partner school districts.

Supporting Oregon's Students for Nearly Two Decades

ORTIi is proud to have been working tirelessly for over 17 years to support Oregon's school districts and students.  The initiative began in 2005-2006 when the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) contracted with the Tigard-Tualatin School District (TTSD), an early adopter of RTI, to work with other school districts to develop Response to Intervention systems for use in supporting the learning needs of ALL and identify students with Specific Learning Disabilities. Four districts were in the first Cadre in 2005-2006. Since that time, ORTIi has worked with over 100 districts in Oregon, and has consulted with many more districts and educational agencies, both in other states and internationally. In 2022, ORTIi relocated to the Northwest Regional Education Service District.

A map of the school districts in Oregon. The 18 districts currently participating in the project are highlighted in green. All other past districts (almost 100), are greyed out, while districts that have not participated are left blank.

Commitment to Culturally Responsive Practice

We are deeply committed to implementing Response to Intervention practices that are culturally responsive. In fact, the very foundation of a successful multi-tiered system of support is a strong culture of collective responsibility for the learning of all students and the belief that ALL students can achieve their potential with the right support.  

To learn more about the importance of culture click here.

ORTIi Project Outcomes

The Oregon Response to Instruction and Intervention Project is focused on improving academic outcomes for students in every school district. Across the dozens of school districts that have participated in the project over the past 10 years, most have seen an increase in the percentage of students identified as proficient readers, and a reduction in the percentage of students needing the most intensive level of reading supports, including those students identified with Specific Learning Disabilities. Students in ORTIi school districts are also more likely to meet or exceed proficiency criteria on the statewide reading assessment (previously the Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, currently the Smarter Balanced Assessments) than those students in non-ORTIi school districts. The Oregon Response to Instruction and Intervention Project is focused on improving the skills and knowledge of educators across the state of Oregon in order to help them improve the academic outcomes for all students. Specific targets include:

  • Increasing the percentage of students reading proficiently by third grade and beyond

  • Decreasing the achievement gaps that exist between student groups with different racial/ethnic, economic, and language backgrounds

  • Decreasing the percentage of students who need the most intensive level of academic support, including those students identified with Specific Learning Disabilities

ORTIi Project Goals

  1. Leadership: Build leadership skills in school and district leaders for developing the infrastructure, implementation, accountability and sustainability of an RTI system.

  2. Professional Development: Help districts develop the capacity to identify staff needs and provide the training, coaching, and support necessary to maintain a high level of system implementation and effectiveness.

  3. Instruction: Support districts in providing high quality, effective instruction and interventions matched to student need that raises the achievement of all students in all sub-groups.

  4. Data-Based Decision Making: Support districts in establishing data-based decision making systems and teaming structures that drive an ongoing cycle of instructional improvement.

  5. Assessment Systems: Support districts to develop, use, and maintain assessment systems that improve the quality and effectiveness of instruction, screen students to determine their instructional needs, monitor the progress of students in interventions, and evaluate the implementation integrity of the system overall.

  6. SLD Identification: Support districts in developing the capacity and confidence to make SLD eligibility decisions that are appropriate and meaningful through the RTI process.

  7. Outreach: Increase statewide awareness and accurate understanding of RTI systems and the benefits to students and educators, and help districts develop their readiness and commitment to implement RTI.