Item 6. Principal communicates a clear vision that creates and maintains an environment of learning for all staff and students
An effective principal communicates a clear vision for implementing RTI components in his/her school to staff. The principal establishes the expectation that all components of RTI will be implemented. He or she supports staff in implementing these components by providing resources, planning, time and clarity around these practices.
- Growth Mindset, Carol Dweck (http://mindsetonline.com/)
- Wallace Foundation: http://www.wallacefoundation.org/
- School Culture Rewired, Steve Gruenert and Todd Whittaker (http://www.ascd.org/Publications/Books/Overview/School-Culture-Rewired.aspx)
- How Leadership Influences Student Learning, The Wallace Foundation
- The School Principal as Leader: Guiding Schools to Better Teaching and Learning, The Wallace Foundation