
Item 4. Building Implementation Team (BIT) meets regularly to analyze school-wide reading data and develops an action plan


To successfully implement all nine RTI Components it is imperative for each school to have a building implementation team.  Building Implementation Teams (BITs) are responsible for ensuring that all staff in their building are adequately trained and supported in implementing RTI components.  A primary role of this team is to analyze each grade level data to determine common grade level needs and areas of support.


 Questions to Consider

Who should serve on the Building Implementation Team?

  • BITs should have the following members; principal, reading specialist, at least one primary representative and upper representative, EL, and special education.

What data should the Building Implementation Team use?

  • The BIT should analyze grade level’s screening/benchmark data.  These data should also be disaggregated to examine the proficiency of subgroups (e.g., Hispanic, special education, EL, black).

How often should the Building Implementation Team meet to review grade level data?

  • The BIT should meet at least twice a year to review grade level data and to determine grade level needs.