Specific Learning Disability
Item 37. RTI is used for SLD Eligibility
Please see the resources available on our website: click HERE
If... Process for identifying students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) using RTI needs improvement:
1. Conduct file review with a team – use checklist and determine what sections of the process are problematic (see below)
2. Look at OARS four components
- low skills
- slow progress: powerpoints, handouts, ROI calculation worksheet
- instructional need
- exclusionary factors: EL resources (ELPA, tables, powerpoint)
(b.) Slow progress:
- powerpoints
- handouts
- ROI calculation worksheet
(d.) EL resources
- tables
- powerpoint
If...RTI is not currently used for Specific Learning Disability (SLD) identification:
1. Complete the barriers activity (from ORTIi SLD training). Identify barriers and then develop an action plan (a. Exploration, b. Infrastructure, c. implementation)
(a) Exploration:
- Powerpoint "Why RTI for SLD"
- ch. 1-2 in Book "The RTI Approach to Evaluation Learning Disabilities" by Amanda Van Der Heyden
(b.) Infrastructure:
- ch. 3-4 in Book "The RTI Approach to Evaluation Learning Disabilities" by Amanda Van Der Heyden
- slides about myths (ie: not need 80% at benchmark, slide that shows core and interventions considered together)
(c) Implementation:
- Book "The RTI Approach to Evaluation Learning Disabilities" by Amanda Van Der Heyden
(c) Implementation:
- RTI for SLD Checklist