Item 29: Implemented interventions are chosen from the district protocol
Interventions should be chosen from a district-developed standard reading protocol. A Standard Reading Protocol provides a clear description of what instruction/intervention looks like across the Tiers of your RTI system. This includes an outline, for each Tier, of programs/intervention for common student needs, recommended group sizes for intervention groups, and the duration that interventions should be provided each day.
When used consistently, a Standard Reading Protocol provides the following benefits:
- Interventions can be provided with a high degree of fidelity if staff is trained adequately
- Provides clear communication to all staff around what is and what is not an “intervention”
- Students in need of intervention can receive immediate access to the intervention
- Ensures consistency in decision making for students that may have a Specific Learning Disability
- Interventions Presentation
- Intervention Audit Form
- Distinguishing Between Tier 2 and Tier 3 Instruction in Order to Support Implementation of RTI (from the RTI Action Network):
- Blank Standard Reading Protocol
- Sample Standard Reading Protocols (Elementary)