Universal Screening
Item 27. A research-based screener is used with all students 3 times per year
Visit the ORTIi webpage on universal screening HERE
Universal school-wide screening is the first level of data collected in the RTI process. These screenings occur three times per year (fall, winter, and spring), and the data from these assessments help to guide instruction through the three tiers of the RTI process. They serve two main purposes:
- To help evaluate the health of your core system of supports (Tier 1) for all students
- To identify at-risk students who may need additional support
Features of Universal Screening Tools
Screeners are:
- Brief and easy to administer
- Given multiple times a year (3 times a year)
- Available in multiple equivalent forms
- Sensitive to growth
- Reliable and valid indicators of academic risk
- Center on Response to Intervention Review of Screening Tools - Website
- RTI Action Network: Universal Screening - Website
- Screening/Progress Monitoring Measures & the Big 5 (for districts using AIMSWEB, DIBELS Next, or easyCBM)