Professional Learning & Support
Item 11. District provides ongoing coaching to support trained practices
To effectively implement RTI, high quality professional learning over an extended period of time is necessary. The process may take three to five years. “For teachers to engage in RTI they will need extensive training. Estimates are that teachers will need from 20 hours (Vaughn,et al, 2003) to 40 hours (Torgeson, 2003) of baseline preparation to implement interventions with integrity. For educators to master new teaching practices, research has determined they require:
- Theory (answers “why?” and focuses on educator knowledge).
- Demonstration (opportunity to see new practice applied).
- Practice (25 trials using the skill are the minimum the research suggests to ensure the skill is not lost).
- Feedback (provided promptly by peers or “experts” who are trusted).
Provide initial and ongoing training in each RTI component:
- ORTIi requires participating districts to have a district level RTI Implementation coach to guide, coach and train leadership and staff in the installation of all of the 9 Essential RTI components. This individual should work closely with the district RTI Implementation Coach
Provide High Quality Professional Learning that is:
- Intensive, ongoing and connected to practice; focus on the teaching and learning of specific RTI component, build strong working relationships among leadership and teachers.
- ·Sustained (not stand-alone, 1-day, or short term workshops), intensive, collaborative, job-embedded, data-driven, and classroom-focused, may include activities that—improve and increase teachers'— use ORTIi ppt.s, protocols, tools and resources to provide initial and ongoing training in each of the RTI Components to staff and stakeholder groups.
- Focus on building skills for staff: train and increase staffs ability to analyze assessment data and achievement data from multiple sources, including how to adjust instructional strategies, assessments, and materials based on such analysis; support building expertise and confidence participating and leading the 100%, 20% and IPS meeting processes .
- ORTIi Installation Matrix
- ORTIi Professional Learning Installation Matrix (coming soon)
- Professional Development and RTI ppt
- Characteristics of Adult Learning, Chris Pappas
- Knowledge and Skills Aren't Enough for Deep Change, Joellen Killion
- IRIS Center Resources and Modules:
- IRIS Center RTI Modules
- RTI Action Network:
- High-Quality Professional Development for Teachers, Center for American Progress
- HQPD Checklist
- Move Theories 'of' Action to Theories 'in' Action
- Professional Development Report, Center for Public Education