Main Conference: April 25-26, 2019

Main Conference Professional Development Units for:

Pre-conference: April 24, 2019

Hotel Eugene (formerly the Hilton Eugene)

Friday, April 5th is the last day to cancel Annual Conference registration without penalty. Cancellations after end of business on the 5th will not be refunded.


Oregon's foremost conference on Response to Intervention and evidence-based instructional practices. 

Join educational leaders, trainers, researchers, teachers, and specialists who will share current best practices for:  

Equity and Culturally Responsive Instruction
Effective Core Instruction for Reading & Math
RTI in Secondary Schools
SLD Decision Making Using RTI
Leadership & Coaching

Supporting English Learners
Interventions & Supports
Teaming & Data-based Decision Making
Professional Learning Practices
Problem Solving Across the Tiers


Keynote Speaker, Dr. Sharon Vaughn

Dr. Sharon Vaughn is the Manuel J. Justiz Endowed Chair in Education and executive director of The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk at The University of Texas at Austin. Sharon Vaughn was the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Learning Disabilities and the Co-Editor of Learning Disabilities Research and Practice. She is the recipient of the AERA SIG distinguished researcher award and The University of Texas Distinguished faculty award. She is the author of numerous books and research articles that address the reading and social outcomes of students with learning difficulties. 

She is the author of more than 35 books, 250 peer-reviewed research articles, and 65 chapters that address issues related to research and practice with learning problems. She has worked nationally and internationally with educators from Japan, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Portugal and Australia.


Endnote Speaker, Dr. Anita Archer

Anita L. Archer is an educational consultant to school districts on explicit instruction, the design and delivery of instruction, behavior management, and literacy instruction.

Over the course of her 40-year career, Dr. Archer has taught elementary & middle school students and has served on the faculties of San Diego State University, the University of Washington, and the University of Oregon. She is nationally recognized for her professional development activities, having presented workshops and seminars in every state.

Dr. Archer is coauthor, with Dr. Mary Gleason, of numerous curriculum materials addressing reading, writing, & study skills. She is the recipient of ten awards honoring her excellence in teaching & her contributions to the field of education.

What to Expect:

Breakout Sessions: Educational leaders, trainers, researchers, teachers, and specialist will share evidence-based practices for ASSESSMENT, INSTRUCTION, INTERVENTIONS, and LEADERSHIP in the context of Response to Intervention systems.
Facilitated Team-Time: Gather with your district or school leadership team to process your learning and create action plans with assistance from an ORTIi Implementation Coach.
Networking Reception: Connect with others and share implementation challenges and solutions - Together we are better!

(Click HERE to see last year's program)


More Than Core: Strengthening Supports for At-Risk Learners

April 24, 2019

Keynote Speaker, Dr. Chris Riley-Tillman

Dr. Riley-Tillman is a Professor and Faculty Fellow for Institutional Effectiveness  in the Office of the Chancellor. He is one of the co-developers of Direct Behavior Ratings as well as a recognized authority in evidence-based practice in schools and the application of experimental design and analysis in applied educational settings. Related to these interests, Dr. Riley-Tillman has participated in leadership roles on seven federal grants and is a Senior Advisor for the National Center on Intensive Intervention. He is also the creator and lead developer of the Evidence Based Intervention Network, a nonprofit website which contains evidence-based intervention and assessment resources for educational professionals developed by researchers. In 2016 the EBI Network had over 400,000 page views by over 59,500 unique users. He has published over 80 journal articles and 6 books on social behavior assessment, school wide service delivery, and single case design. In addition, he is the Acting Editor of the Practical Interventions in Schools book series for Guilford Press. Finally, he is a Fellow of Division 16 of the American Psychological Association and a member of the Society for the Study of School Psychology.

The conference will address evidence-based practices in the following areas:

Levels: Elementary, Secondary, and Early Childhood

Content Areas: Reading, Math, Behavior, and English Learners

RTI Components: Culture & Equity, Leadership, Teaming & Data Based Decision Making, Professional Learning, Core Instruction, Screening, Interventions, Progress Monitoring, and Specific Learning Disability Identification

April 24-26, 2019
Hotel Eugene (formally Hilton Eugene)
66 E 6th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401

The ORTIi Team
Oregon Response to Instruction and Intervention (ORTIi)

Lunch & Coffee Service Included with Registration


All Rooms at the Hotel Eugene are now booked. There is another block of conference rate rooms available at Even Hotel.



A special thank you to National Center for Intensive Intervention for their support of our conference.  

What to Expect:

Overview: How do you best support students that need more than core instruction in order to succeed? This one-day pre-conference will focus on identifying and delivering effective interventions, assessment tools for monitoring student response, and teaming practices that can be used for intervention planning.

Breakout Topics: Selecting and delivering Evidence-Cased Interventions, Supporting interventions to maximize impact, Instructional features of effective interventions, Behavioral Progress Monitoring, Academic Progress Monitoring, Tier 2/3 Data-Based Teaming: Group